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Spiritual Power for the Journey

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Spiritual power for the journey

While the steps outlined below are important, they are not sufficient. Rather, prayer must be pervasive. We must pray to be empowered by God to take the necessary steps; we must pray to ne guided by God as to when to move from step to step. And we must pray to be discerning. (Restores of Hope, page 158) We were created to worship God and enjoy Him forever. Holistic ministry begins as Christians submit their whole lives to God as instruments of his love bt the power of the Spirit (2 Cor 8:5). Expect God to begin the work of revitalizing your church's zeal for outreach by revitalizing your own faith. Build opportunities into every step along your church's ministry journey for prayer, spiritual growth, theological reflections, and worship. Following are some suggestions for pursuing spiritual power for the ministry journey.
Spiritual formation for mission
Spiritual support for mission
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