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Michael Liimatta Resources

Articles, Blogs, and News

Helping the Homeless Who Suffer from Mental Illness - Part 2

This is the second installment on the topic of helping the homeless who are mentally ill. With a basic knowledge of the issues these people confront, knowlegable Christian workers can make a huge difference in their lives.

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Surviving the Holidays

SnowmanFor most believers, the holiday season - which includes Christmas and the New Year celebration - is a special time of joy and celebration.  We have a chance to give our thanks to God for all His goodness and a chance to rejoice in the birth of the Savior.  It is also a time to welcome in a new year with all the hope and promise it brings. Yet, we must never forget that for people who are just beginning to walk the road of recovery from addiction to alcohol and drugs, this is an extremely difficult

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Impact of the ADA on Rescue Missions compiled by Michael Liimatta

This document explains the impact federal laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act have on rescue missions.

Using Team Cleaning at Rescue Missions by Michael Liimatta

This document describes the advantages of workers cleaning a building instead of hiring outside help.

Fire Safety Inspection revised by Michael Liimatta

This document has questions that rescue missions would most likely need to answer during an inspection.

Preventive Maintenance at Rescue Missions by Michael Liimatta

This document describes the nature of maintenance work that should occur.

Using Team Cleaning at Rescue Missions by Michael Liimatta

This document describes the advantages of not hiring outside help to clean facilities.

Michael Liimatta's Spiritual Journey

[img_assist|nid=73251|title=Michael Liimatta|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=78|height=100]I grew up in an alcoholic family. Both my father and my mother came from alcoholic homes, too. Because I grew up in such a very chaotic home, I was running the streets from an early age. My first drinking experience was when I was just twelve years old. I was "turned on" to pot at age fourteen, and went to jail twice for selling marijuana, hashish, and LSD, before I was eighteen years old.

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Doesn’t the “medical model” help addicts avoid taking responsibility for their behavior?

The only people I’ve ever heard using the “disease concept” as an excuse are practicing alcoholics who have no real intention of changing.   I hear something totally different from Christian counselors and other professionals who subscribe to what is also called a “clinical approach” to treatment and recovery.  While recognizing the impact of factors like heredity and brain chemistry in the development of addiction, they know that real change happens only when addicts and alcoholics begin to take responsibility for their lives and truly “own” their own behaviors. 

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Homelessness & Addiction Recovery: A Lasting Solution

2_men_drinking_under_a_streetlightEvery substance abuse counselor has probably at one time or another pointed to the "skid row bum" and said, "You don't have to be like him to be an addict or alcoholic! " While this type of person may represent only 5% of all addicts, Christians who are in recovery have a lot more in common with him than they may think!

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