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Multimedia Resources on Online Safety, Pornography, and Recovery

Multimedia Resources on Online Safety, Pornography, and Recovery





Presentations made by Donna Rice Hughes
Internationally known Internet safety expert, advocate and current president of Enough Is Enough (a national non-profit educational organization whose mission is to make the Internet safer for children and families). Several of Ms. Rice's presentations are posted here:



Internet Safety Presentation
From the Parentscentre, an official Department for Education and Skills (U.K.) website for parents and caregivers. A guide to safe surfing on the net. For comprehensive advice on how to enjoy the huge benefits of the internet without having to contend with fraud, spam, viruses, pornography, pop-ups and other potential hazards.



Teaching Kids To Be Safe Online
A straightforward, brief presentation for parents with practical suggestions.



Online Safety for Christian Community Computer Centers
Presentation on Online Safety for Christian Community Computer Centers. Given at TechMission’s 2005 Conference


Porn Again: Pornography and CyberPorn
Two thoughtful presentations on the commercial success, acceptance, dangers and entrapment of pornography, especially to Christians. Written by Dr. Rodney Cooper, currently, a Professor of Leadership and Discipleship at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.







Trevor, a 14-year old from Utah is the writer, director, and star of this short film about the dangers of online predators. Casting his real life principal as his movie kidnapper, Trevor worked with his school and local police department for the shooting of this film.


Every Young Man's Battle
This presentation documents the problem of pornography and sexual temptation faced by teenage and young adult males and presents strategies for gaining victory.


Escaping the Porn Trap
This video brings former pornography addicts, family members, and experts from around the nation together in telling it straight - this addiction is serious and devastating, but it can be overcome.

The Call to Freedom: Understanding True Repentance
Devoid of theory and hype, this unvarnished message has the power to radically change you! Filmed at the 5,000 member WorldOvercomersOutreachMinistriesChurch in Memphis.


Beating the Bunny
An honest and candid film that tells the story of a young man's struggle with porn, with a surprising and humorous plotline.






Child Safety On The Internet
Focusing on pornography and sexual predators and using personal experiences, the panel expounds on the problem and how it affects children. Possible solutions and helpful Web sites are also covered. A Q-and-A addresses the warning signs of children involved with pornography on the Internet.


Pornography Kills
James Dobson’s final interview with serial killer Ted Bundy, as he warned about the insidious and progressive nature of this lethal but legal killer: pornography.





The Blazing Grace Radio Show
Blazing issues... with grace filled answers; taking on the tough issues of life (especially sex and porn addiction) with brutal honesty, a little bit of humor and tons of blazing grace.


Dirty Little Secrets with Craig and Mike
Billed as explicit talk about relevant truth, the show consists of hard hitting interviews with special guests, call ins, and a segment called "Questions you can't ask your mama."



The Internet: Blessing or Curse for Pastors?
Undertaken by Christianity Today. The purpose of this study is to explore some of the new opportunities and snares the Internet has created for those in ministry.




Christians and Sex: Sexual Issues in the Church
From Christianity Today, the research report seeks to understand and compare the sexual and marital issues affecting today's pastors and church laity.





Protecting Teens Online
Produced by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, this document details the findings of a survey of teens and their parents on online activities and dangers.




Just Harmless Fun
A special report from to provide an up-to-date overview of the evidence of harm. Read the evidence, and decide for yourself - is pornography "just harmless fun?"




The Porn Standard: Children and Pornography on the Internet
Documents the ease with which children can gain access to internet pornography and that industry’s lack of effort to implement viable age-verification systems.




Online Victimization: A Report on the Nation’s Youth
Produced by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, this groundbreaking national survey of 1,501 youth aged 10 to 17 documented their use of the Internet and experiences while online including unwanted exposure to sexual solicitation, sexual material, and harassment. And it includes recommendations to help make the Internet safer for children.








CreativePastors, a source for tools to help churches creatively communicate Biblical truths with today’s culture in a relevant and compelling manner, has a kit of sermons (video, audio, and text with outlines), worship service plans, media files, and a dramatic presentation (video and script) all dealing with the issue of lust. One message is specifically about pornography.


PornSunday is an event-based program that seeks to drive the conversation about pornography into our churches, families and lives. The Porn Sunday kit is supplied for churches that choose to take part in this initiative. has compiled some of the best resources dealing with pornography all in one PornSunday kit, equipping your church to talk about pornography and preparing your church to deal with the issues after PornSunday is over (Please note, the cost of registration in Porn Sunday, including the kit, is $1,500).

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