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Church Bulletin Insert Sample

In early 2000, The National Coalition for the Protection of Children and Families surveyed students at 5 Christian colleges regarding pornography: 48% of the males admitted to current porn use. At a Christian men’s retreat in Idaho the men who were struggling with pornography were asked to stand up – and half of the men in the room came to their feet.

In March of 2002, Rick Warren’s website conducted a survey on porn use of 1,351 pastors. 54% had viewed Internet pornography within the last year, with 30% admitting they visited a porn site within the last 30 days. In a poll Focus on the Family took October of 2003, 47% of families said pornography is a problem in their home.

Most men who struggle with pornography or various types of sex addiction (promiscuity, adultery, adult clubs, chat rooms, etc.) suffer silently while it destroys their life. They think that “there’s no way I can tell anyone about this – especially in the church” and so they sit in church week after week withering in secret shame. Porn use is addictive and progressive, and it destroys men and their families.

The sad part is that most wait until they get caught and the consequences catch up to them (a marriage is destroyed, they are arrested, lose their job, or get an STD) before reaching out for help. In the battle against lust, isolation is death. Keeping the problem inside only keeps the man trapped in bondage. The only way to move toward freedom is to “confess our sins to one another so that we may be healed.” (James 5:16).

We need others to help us in the battle. If you are struggling with this problem, we have a safe place for you to meet with other men who struggle with the same issues. Strength in Numbers is a group for men who struggle with porn and/or sex addiction. Call ----- at XXX-XXX-XXXX for more information, or by email at -----@-----.---.